Meet The Snirt Monsters

Snirt comes in many forms. Gaps as thin as paper invite Monstrous Messes like
heat loss, cold drafts, snow, dirt, bugs, mice, and more.
The Snirt Monsters below are ready and waiting to get into your home’s garage!

Gaps are often found on garage doors where they meet the house door frame, and this is where most cold air enters the garage. SnirtStopper not only helps completely seal the gap between the door and the house to stop cold drafts and air seepage, it also creates a thermal barrier that stops cold temperatures from sapping valuable heat from the door surface.

When dirt blows through the cracks around a garage door, it eventually leaves a build up of grime. SnirtStopper stops dirt and grime, and keeps your garage clean. That means less cleaning and a nicer garage space.

Heat loss during the winter can cause garages to get much colder than they should. In snowy and wet climates, heat loss around the door can cause snow and ice to melt, seep under the door and refreeze when temps drop at night, causing doors to freeze to the ground!
In summer, even a non-conditioned space like a garage should be reasonably cool to act like an insulating buffer zone and help keep your house cooler. Heat can infiltrate through small gaps around the door and make garages warmer than they should be. That means a harder working AC and higher utility bills.

Nobody likes mud! Some homes are situated in a way that makes it easy for mud to slurp in under the garage door and totally goo up an otherwise clean garage. SnirtStopper is designed to press evenly and tightly to the floor, even if the garage door does not, to stop the flow of mud!

Critters like mice, rats, voles and other small varmints are notorious for setting up camp in garages! And did you know that a mouse can enter through a gap as small as a pencil? SnirtStopper is made using a Kevlar reinforced nylon that’s super hard for mice to chew, making it too much of a chore to get in!

Creepy Crawlies
Even the tiniest cracks around garage doors can be like an open highway for Creepy Crawlies like bugs, spiders, scorpions, ants and even snakes! They all love the dark, quiet corners of your garage where they can settle in and raise little families! Seal the cracks, nooks and crannies and stop the Creepy Crawlies in their tracks!

Who can forget water! It seems to be able to find it’s way into every place it’s not wanted! Whether it’s hard-driving rain or winter snow drift and snow melt, water is always ready to seep in and around any improperly sealed garage door. And the only thing that can stop it is a good, tight seal. SnirtStopper is 100% water-proof and designed to always stay flexible in all temperatures to help it conform to uneven floors and doors for a water-tight seal!

Mix water, mud, dead bugs, mouse droppings, leaves and grime, and what do you get? Gunk! When Snirt is allowed to get in and accumulate over time, it gradually creates a Monstrous Mess that can take a lot of elbow grease and effort to clean up. Stop the mess with a SnirtStopper garage door seal! And be done with Gunk for good!